Kyndra King, Pa  Realtor

The Blog

Understanding mortgage loans and interest rates can be confusing and frustrating for many homebuyers. It doesn’t help that most advertised rates are just a marketing ploy to lure you in! In fact, a lender looks at several factors to determine an interest rate based on YOUR specific financial situation, including your credit score, your down-payment […]

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When it comes to getting a mortgage, it’s easy to focus on the interest rate.  But, if you only focus on the interest rate, you might be missing some “hidden” fees that makes getting that interest rate more expensive. That sounds counterproductive but it isn’t. Several factors will help create the best mortgage and interest […]

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Did an interest rate catch your attention the last time you were looking online?  Maybe you’ve been thinking about buying a home, buying an investment property, refinancing, or getting a line of credit,  However, it’s very rare that the interest rate you see online will be the one you get from a lender. There are […]

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If you’ve been thinking about buying a home and are just not sure of the steps involved or even where to start, then this 14-part series is a MUST read for you. Each week, you’ll get great tips and easy-to-understand how to’s that will help you be successful in purchasing a home in today’s market. […]

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Homeowners like to see their home increase in value — it means you made a good decision purchasing this property. Kudos to you! But before you start high-fiving about how much your home is worth, you might want to take a closer look at your tax assessment. Remember … the higher the assessment, the higher […]

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Should’ve, would’ve, could’ve. Don’t make that your mantra when it comes to your home’s maintenance! Preventative maintenance is worth your time and money NOW to avoid costly home disasters later. You don’t want to be the one saying, “I should’ve caulked those windows for a few bucks a tube,” when faced with a $2,000 repair […]

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Being a homeowner can be exciting and fun at times, with lots of freedom to make it your own space! As a homeowner, though, you’re the one in charge of any repairs, maintenance, finances, and improvements over the long haul.  Whether you’re a first time homeowner or you’ve owned many, it’s important to stay informed […]

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Whether you know it or not, there might be things you are doing that can effect your credit score for the worse.   Even if you aren’t buying a home anytime soon, you don’t want to be surprised by your credit score when you want to buy a car or refinance, for example. The decisions you […]

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I believe my job doesn’t end at the settlement table, and I want to be your resource for all things real estate related even after you move into your first home. Below are the questions asked most by past clients who have bought a home with me. I hope the answers to these questions help […]

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Finding time for home maintenance can be tough, especially with a busy schedule. Watching football or visiting a pumpkin patch is a lot more fun! However, regular upkeep is key to preserving your home’s value and avoiding costly damage, which can save you money in the long run. Fall is a great time for maintenance, […]

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